Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Basquait - 1996

Before watching this film, I had no idea who this man was, nor the art he produced. I had purchased this movie quite a long time ago when I saw it in a bargain bin for $5 ... and I am so glad I did.

Directed by Julian Schnabel ("The Diving Bell and the Butterfly"), this story is a biopic/drama about the life of artist Jean-Michel Basquiat. If you're like me and not really into the "art world" you possibly might not know who this guy was... which is a shame because his art is really quite impressive. Using his roots as a graffiti artist, Basquait built a following with his skills combing the graffiti/ghetto style of expressionism into large panels of work.

The film is a pretty standard affair, although one thing that caught my eye was the ridiculous cast! Courtney Love, Gary Oldman, David Bowie, Parker Posey, Christopher Walken, Benincio Del Toro, Claire Forlani, Willem Dafoe, Dennis Hopper and even a very young Sam Rockwell makes an appearance. All the characters are (I believe) based on real people from his life... with the most influential being his best friend Andy Warhol (as played by Bowie) who at times steals some scenes.

However, it is really Jeffrey Wright that carries this film, apart from being a mega babe, he totally captures the "struggling artist" character and brings a real honest and humble quality to this very talented individual.

I really would've liked a bit more depth to his character though, and I would presume that might have something to do with first time writer/director Schnabel. At times I felt it was more about showcasing his art and style - without going into some real substance of what made this man tick. There are small hints at his struggle being an African/American through-out this film but perhaps there may have been something more to explore.

Overall this film is a good introduction into a very talented artist who's life was cut short thanks to a (you guessed it...) heroin overdose. If anything, watch this film like I did... and then do some research into the amazing art that Basquait created. You won't be disappointed.

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