Thursday, February 10, 2011

Julia - 2008

Just when you thought there couldn't be any more flicks about desperate chicks needing money and going to great lengths to get said cash... I proved you wrong with this indie film starring Oscar winner Tilda Swinton.

Co-written and directed by French film-maker Erick Zonca, it premiered at the Berlin Film Festival where it was widely regarded as one of the highlights of the festival and Swinton's performance the best the panel had viewed. I remember a few years ago critic Roger Ebert was campaigning for the Academy to acknowledge Swinton's performance also... Unfortunately it didn't do much good, but thanks to all the recognition, I found myself buying this film and overall liking it.

As I mentioned, Julia is the story of an alcoholic, reckless woman; who's one night stands and drunken bursts contribute to her losing her job as a real estate agent and back into AA meetings. It is here where she meets Elena. After Elena finds Julia passed out on the road one night, she takes her back to her apartment where she offers Julia a proposition- kidnap her son Tom from her ex-husband. Elena promises good money to Julia should everything go smoothly. When it is revealed that Elena doesn't have the money and will be delivered to Julia at a later date, Julia takes things into her own hands and comes up with a plan. Realising how much "extra" money she could earn, Julia decides to kidnap the son and hold him ransom from his mother... "The double cross of a fucking lifetime" she says.

As usual in these fucking misery fests, things don't go so well and poor old Julia is forced into some disgusting and absolutely horrible situations. Tilda Swinton; who I have always enjoyed watching.. (even as the White Witch in Narnia) is outstanding in this film. I'm pretty sure had they not snagged her in this role, the film wouldn't have been made and or been pretty average. She brings so much to this character... and even though it's one we are all used to watching... Swinton's acting chops are just full on. She brings a great level of strength and smarts to this seemingly useless and messed up individual. The supporting cast are all equally competent... with the highlight being Tom, played by Aiden Gould (brother to the talented Nolan who you'd know from Modern Family)

The film is shot mostly with hand-held cameras- giving it that intimate and gritty nature. Also being shot on location in California and Mexico adds to the realistic nature that makes this film all the more believable.

Whilst I had some issues with the length (running at 2 hrs and 15 mins), I was mostly disappointed with the ending. I won't give too much away... but I was hoping ... perhaps that Julia's redemption was a bit more deserved and without giving anything away I found it a bit more convenient than anything else.

After all is said and done, this film is not a compulsory watch, but if you like solid acting from a strong leading lady... this film will deliver.

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